The Definitive Guide to Sell-side Contract Management

The Definitive Guide to Sell-side Contract Management

Published by: Research Desk Released: Dec 13, 2019

In today’s fast, competitive business environment, every organization wants their sales team focused on one thing: generating revenue for the company. Sales teams that are slow in responding to opportunities, or that can’t quickly and nimbly respond to customer demands, won’t last long.

On the other hand, enterprises must find ways to ensure the deals its sales team are closing are assets and not liabilities. Sales contracts that are poorly written introduce errors and expose the company to financial and regulatory risk. Poor organization of contracts limits the company’s ability to leverage existing deals with cross-sells, upsells, and renewals. Service-level agreements (SLAs) may get overlooked. Materials necessary to fulfill obligations can go unordered. So, how does an organization keep its sales team focused on their core mission, while assuring their contracts are driving the company toward its goals? It starts with enterprise contract management.

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