How PointerBP found relief from maintenance in new partnership

How PointerBP found relief from maintenance in new partnership

Published by: Research Desk Released: Apr 23, 2021

Pointer Brand Protection was founded in 2008 by three friends hired by a local law firm to scan an online marketplace for counterfeits.
The team manually sifted through thousands of product listings to identify the biggest infringers and investigated the sellers by conducting test purchases and contacting them directly.

Eventually, they figure out the product inventories, estimated sales, and connections between user accounts across websites. This data was sent over to the law firm, which could then instigate legal action for the brand and take counterfeit products off the market.
After months of tedious manual investigation, they soon realized that this process could be done much more efficiently and effectively. That’s when Pointer’s brand protection software was born.

To learn more about Pointer Brand Protected read this article by UpCloud

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