Financial Services: 5 Ways to Bring EUCs into Compliance with Process Intelligence

Financial Services: 5 Ways to Bring EUCs into Compliance with Process Intelligence

Published by: Research Desk Released: Sep 23, 2021

End-user computing tools (EUC) are those that give anyone the power to build or modify an application. It can be as simple as recording a macro or entering a formula, and as complex as writing detailed scripts or using a drag-and-drop programming interface. But, whatever the method, EUC turns end users into citizen developers who can build and execute easily repeatable tasks and processes.

Common EUC tools include spreadsheets such as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel, databases, reporting tools such as Tableau, and more. Generally, these applications are used outside of core IT systems and are used across the enterprise for financial computations, data collection and cleansing, financial and regulatory reporting, and much more. It’s no wonder they’re frequently referred to as “shadow IT.”

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